Registered Charity: No 1303
District 7030
Chartered 13 January, 1986 (Club 23315)

39th Charter Anniversary: January 13th 2025

Peter Hollands and Jack Robinson were members of the Rotary club of Barbados and Deo Sharma was past president of the Rotary Club of Barbados West.  They were commissioned with the task of forming the Rotary Club of Barbados South. 
A provisional club was formed with the required 20 members.  Meetings were held in the BET Boardroom where prospective members were briefed on the objects of Rotary.  They were ably assisted by senior members of the Rotary clubs of Barbados and Barbados West; George Hadchity and Tony Thomas respectively.  Rotarian David Edwards was also involved.
The club was granted provisional status by Rotary International by the end of 1985 and provisional meetings were held during December of 1985.
On the 13th of January 1986 the charter was approved but was not presented to the club president as an official visit to Barbados by the President of Rotary International, Ed Cadman, was already scheduled for February 22nd,1986.  The Charter was presented by the Rotary International President at the Sandy Lane Hotel on February 22nd 1986 and the first installation ceremony was held at the Sea View Hotel in Christ Church on February 26th 1986. 
The  team installed at the first installation is given below along with the list of the additional charter members.
Charter Members:
Board of Directors:
President: Peter Hollands
Secretary: Deo Sharma
Treasurer: T. W. “Jack” Robinson
Director of Club Service: Paul Fisher
Director of Community service: Andrew Gittens
Director of Vocational Service: Latchman Kissoon
Director of International Service: Prakash Mahtani
Sargent-at-arms: Paul Wadman
Other Charter Members:
Dalvin Darlington      Victor Eudoxie       Richard Fuller       George Gittens
Robert Goddard        Desmond Jones     Andrew Gaskin      John Jones
David Leacock          Victor Marshall      Graham Oldreive    Hemraj Ramdath
Henry Vieira             Louis Linton
Club meetings were held at the Sea View Hotel.  On July 2nd 1986 the second installation ceremony was held at the Suzie Yong Restaurant in St Lawrence Gap.
As we celebrate our 39th charter anniversary in 2025, the club now has 50 members.  The projects undertaken by the club over the past 39 years have made a significant contribution to the lives of people in Barbados and the region.
Previous Meeting Details
Wednesday January 8th 12:30pm Zoom
Our first meeting for 2025 was an online business meeting that was chaired by VP Trevor.  After the greetings and usual formalities, we got into the business of the meeting.
PDG Sonya addressed the club on the upcoming Model United Nations (MUN) project that is jointly facilitated by all three clubs.  This year's theme is War and Peace and as usual, it is being held at UN House on Saturday mornings beginning January 25th and running for 7 Saturdays.  She invited Rotarians to volunteer to assist.
Director Kerryann informed the club that our membership list was updated and we are now down to 50 members from 53.  She reminded us to pay our dues and participate in club activity.  Even though 45 of the 50 members show some level of engagement, actual attendance at events is closer to 20.
Director Glyne appraised us of the upcoming activity to celebrate our 39th charter.  He indicated that our next meeting will be dedicated to the charter and indicated that there will be a walk and fellowship breakfast as part of the celebrations.  He also indicated that our vocational awards was scheduled to be held on January 29th and it will be executed within a regular meeting and will not be a separate function.  At that point the venue was still to be disclosed.
Wednesday January 15th 6:30pm On-line
At this our second meeting for 2025, we started our celebration of our charter anniversary which was on January 13th.  This online meeting was meant to be nostalgic as past presidents were invited to share their recollection of RCBS through the years.
After the usual formalities, PP Prakash was invited to chat with us about the Charter.  He is currently the only original charter member that is still alive and a member of RCBS (two others are still alive, but only one lives in Barbados).  He explained the reasons for and process of the charter (stated above). 
PP Prakash gave us an overview of the types of venues used over time and the types of projects in which the club engaged.  Of particular note was the importance of classification as clubs were not allowed to have more than one member per classification. He also emphasized the importance of attendance and the involvement of families with the business of Rotary.
PP's Michael Forde and Trotman Joined in the discussion as they recalled our club's status in the district based on recognition of the perfect attendance.  They reminisced on noteworthy club projects and key Rotarians and businesses that have been instrumental in such over the years.  The discussion went on to highlight the changes that occurred with the admittance of women to Rotary membership.
After a thorough overview, PP Vivian-Anne joined in to give her perspective on the performance, atmosphere and culture of the club and the projects in which it has been involved in more recent time.
All in all it was wonderful to have an overview of the club structure, projects and culture over the years.
Wednesday January 29th 6:30pm In-Person (Vocational Service Awards)
Upcoming Meeting Details
Wednesday February 5th -In-person Evening 6:30pm
Wednesday February 12th-Lunchtime zoom 12:30pm
Wednesday February 19th -Evening Zoom 6:30pm
Wednesday February 26th -In-person Lunch 12:30pm
Upcoming Events
February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month
Meals on Wheels
Red Cross Building Warrens
Thursday February 20th
at 8:30 AM 
Bridgetown Feeding
Independence Square Bridgetown
Monday February 24th
at 5:30 PM
RCBS board at installation dinner 1987
Image of our charter member PP Prakash participating in Bridgetown feeding as he does every month
Prakash at Bridgetown feeding
"Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding."

– Albert Einstein

Club Directors & Officers    
President: Terry Hall
Vice President: PP Trevor Sealy
Immediate Past President: Marcel Murrell
President Elect: Jacklyn Broomes
Secretary: Carrie-Ann Morris-Searle
Treasurer: Dion Franklin
Director Service Projects: Shem Scantlebury
Director Club Administration: Glyne Husbands
Director Rotary Foundation: PHF Ryan Best
Director Public Image: Mechelle Lewis
Director of Membership: Kerry-Ann Ifill
Director of Youth: Kemi Brewster
Sergeant-at-Arms: PP Brian Lashley
Rotary International Officers
President - Stephanie A. Urchick
President Elect - Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo
General Secretary/CEO - John Hewko
District Officers
District Governor - Debbie Roopchand (Trinidad and Tobago)
District Governor Elect - Soraya Warner-Gustave (St. Lucia)
Assistant Governor - Paul Ashby (Barbados)
Let's Celebrate
Belated Birthdays
5th January - Nisha Thani (PIS PP Hiranand Thani)
17th January - Jamalia Wyllie
22nd January - Nicole Hall
25th January - Malcolm Mapp
26th January - Robert Chase
4th February - Josephine Robinson
18th February - Cheryl Holder (PIS Kammie Holder)
21st February - Kammie Holder
25th February - PP Vivian-Anne Gittens and PIS Don 

 Spotlight News 

Rotary Club of Barbados South

Charter Anniversary Nature Walk
On January 21st; Errol Barrow Day, Rotarians from the RCBS got together for a morning of fellowship as part of our charter anniversary celebrations. Each Rotarian brought something to share, and contributed to a magnificent breakfast.
We assembled at Andromeda Gardens from which we took a scenic walk enjoying the fresh air and terrain of Bathsheba.  After our walk, we shared a sumptuous breakfast in Rochelle's Garden; the newest section of Andromeda Gardens.  This section was designed to allow Wheelchair users to explore independently and is characterized by a beautiful mural that was painted by students of the Irvine Wilson School.
It was a wonderful morning of fun and fellowship that was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present.
Charter Anniversary Church Service at St Matthias Church
On Sunday January 26th Rotarians from RCBS attended the church service at St Matthias church as part of our celebration of our 39th charter anniversary.  It was a lovely service with relevant readings and sermon.   President Terry did us proud with her excellent reading of the lesson and impromptu talk about the club.  We were warmly welcomed and invited to return in the future.
 Rotarians who attended the church service at St Matthias Church
Model United Nations (MUN) 2025
On January 25th 2025 the three rotary clubs of Barbados joined forces with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and the United Nation Mission in Barbados to launch the 13th installation of MUN. Our own PDG Sonya chaired the opening ceremony in her usual fine style.  
There were remarks from Rotary by the presidents of RCOB, RCBW, PE Jacklyn and AG Paul.  Mr. Simon Springett made remarks on behalf of the UN and Ms. Donna Forde made remarks on behalf of the ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. 
After the opening ceremony, Rotarian Lisa Cummins (Aunty Lisa) introduced the individuals who will facilitate the sessions over the next 7 weeks and gave the teens an overview of what will be expected of them.  After introducing themselves, the teens were assigned the countries they will represent for the next 7 weeks.
It was an exciting start to an amazing project that will be facilitated by Rotarians and foreign service officers in the upcoming weeks.
Images of speakers and participants at the opening of MUN 2025
MUN Opening Ceremony images:
Top Left-Coordinating Group and Club Presidents. Top right-PDG Sonya as Master of Ceremonies
Middle left- Participants.  Middle Right- PE Jacklyn giving remarks on behalf of RCBS
Bottom from left to right- President of RCOB, President of RCBW, AG Paul, Mr. Simon Springett (Resident coordinator of UN Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean), Ms. Donna Forde (Director General- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade).
Vocational Service Awards Dinner Meeting
On Wednesday January 29th 2025, RCBS held a special meeting at the Mount Gay Visitor Centre. We had a few very special guests with us. 
President Terry Welcomed everyone and in her remarks, reiterated the message that she read so beautifully at the church service.  She reminded us that we are all members of one body and that all of our gifts are important components of the functioning of that body.  She also welcomed our special guests that were invited in acknowledgment of their exemplary vocational service.
Rich Burger now Rotarian Rich and his wife Judy visited us yet again.  Rich and Judy are no strangers to the club.  Rich was so enamored by his experience while visiting with us that he was encouraged to become a Rotarian himself and is now a proud member of the Rotary Club of Burlington.  He exchanged club banners with President Terry and presented her with a hat from his club's ugly sweater fellowship project as he proudly announced that he is now officially a Rotarian.
exchange of gifts with Rotarian Rich
The main highlight of the meeting however, was the recognition of a special individual and an institution for their Vocational Service.  This year's vocational service awards were presented to Ava "Pinky" Lewis of the Barbados Red Cross Society and Divisional Officer Small on behalf of the Barbados Fire Service.
"Pinky" has proudly served with the Barbados Red Cross for over 5 decades.  Even though she is now officially retired, she continues to serve diligently, daily and is one of the main executors of the Meals on Wheels Program of the Barbados Red Cross.  Rotarians expressed great joy and admiration as they recounted their experiences of serving with her.  The presentation was witnessed by her great granddaughter Kahisha Gail Forde who was visibly proud to witness the recognition.
Divisional Officer Small expressed gratitude to be in receipt of the award which acknowledges the work of the Barbados Fire Service.  He was thrilled with the timing, as the Fire service is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year.  He thanked us for the recognition and invited us to look out for their new programs on fire safety and public education.
Later in the evening, PP Marcel made some surprise presentations of his own as he took the opportunity to award Rotarians who were not present at the installation ceremony last July.  Though he had 4 overdue President's Awards only PP Brian and PHF Morexa were present.  Both were surprised by and thrilled to receive these awards.
PP Brian and Morexa receiving their awards from PP Marcel
All in all in was a wonderful evening for both Rotarians and guests.  The venue was the perfect location for such an affair.  At the end, the Sarge disciplined us with his usual entertaining flair.  It is fair to say the we all enjoyed a wonderful evening of festivities.
Bridgetown Feeding
Another successful Bridgetown feeding was held in Independence Square on January 27th; the first for 2025.  Extra special thanks to PP Michael Trotman and Rotarians Rosanne and
Kammie who sponsored the meals on behalf of RCBS.  We served a total of 112 meals.
We are particularly thrilled that there is a growing core of Rotarians who have been coming out to assist.    The fellowship is amazing and the efficiency of this group makes for smooth and seamless execution.  We appreciate you all!  Thank you for your support of and assistance with such a vitally important project.  None of this will be possible without you.
Foundation Corner:
Rotary foundation logo

Financial structure

The Rotary Foundation is organized as a public charity operated exclusively for charitable purposes and governed by a Board of Trustees. The operations of Rotary International, a member organization, are overseen by its Board of Directors.

The headquarters of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation are in Evanston, Illinois, USA. We have associate foundations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, and the United Kingdom.

Read highlights from the past year in our annual report

Learn about Rotary's investments

Your generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs throughout the world.

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Rotary International
for more information visit:
Rotary Projects Around the Globe
Please follow the link below to find out what is going on in Rotary Clubs around the globe in the January installment by Brad Webber where he features clubs in Mexico, the United States, Jamaica, the Netherlands and Nigeria.
Links to similar publications for October, November and December can be found at the bottom of the January issue.
Rotary District 7030
As we are preparing for the much-anticipated closing ceremony of our 2025 District Conference 7030 event, we are excited to announce that the theme will be "The Magic of Rotary." This theme encapsulates the spirit of our organization and the incredible work we accomplish together.
In line with this theme, we kindly request that each participating country reflects the "Magic of Rotary" in their attire for the ceremony. You can be as magical or whimsical as you wish. You can also showcase the unique cultural heritage and creativity of your nation. Be creative and have fun so that this will add to the vibrant atmosphere of our event.
Additionally, we would like to invite each country to contribute a treasure or unique item that represents their culture, which will be used as a door prize during the closing ceremony. This will not only enhance the experience but also promote cultural exchange among participants. Please make treasures travel friendly for lucky winners.
Moreover, we are excited to announce a fashion show during the event, - “District 7030 Runway” where each country will have the opportunity to present a representative. Each participant will present a 30-second video with narration to showcase the best of their country. This will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our diverse cultures and promote unity within our district.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to the organizing committee. We are here to assist and ensure that this event is memorable for everyone involved.
Deadline dates for video submissions and participation will be communicated under separate cover.
Thank you for your cooperation and enthusiasm. We look forward to celebrating the "Magic of Rotary" together!
Yours in Rotary
Conference Secretariat
District 7030
Register now for the Rotary District 7030 Conference, taking place from April 24th to 26th at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad:
Elevate your Rotary experience, network with leaders, and be part of transformative sessions that will empower your journey. Watch our District 7030 Conference video: and discover the vibrant Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Secure your spot today and be part of something extraordinary! For special Conference rates at Hyatt Regency Trinidad, check this link:
Rotaract Club of South Barbados 
14th anniversary image for rotaract
As RCBS celebrated our 39th charter anniversary; the Rotaract Club of South Barbados celebrated its 14th.  Both were celebrated on January 13th 2025.
The members of RCBS extend heartfelt congratulations to the Rotaract club of South Barbados on achieving their 14th charter anniversary.  We are proud to be associated with them as they continue to provide meaningful service to the community.
Please click the images below to find out more about our club members 
Past Presidents
Paul Harris Fellow
Honorary Rotarians
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in particular, to encourage and foster:
First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
Second: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
Third: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and Community life.
Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service
RCBS Banking Information
Club Account: CIBC Rendezvous  09616-1625923
Charitable Trust Inc. Account: CIBC Bridgetown  09606– 1001168072
Mailing Address: Club Secretary, G.P.O Box #995, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies.
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
 Rotary Club of Barbados South Charter Banner