Previous Meeting Details
Wednesday December 11th 6:30pm Zoom
This meeting was scheduled to be a business meeting. Attendance was low but we proceeded as we had a number of upcoming events.
President Terry updated us on the action which was taken regarding the cleanup of the membership list as discussed at the forum. Rotarians with outstanding dues and/or persistent non-attendance were contacted to allow them the opportunity to make arrangements and/or indicate their preferred status. A few responses were still outstanding. A December 15th deadline was set, after which, non-response will result in termination of membership.
As regards the recent visit by the District Governor, President Terry indicated that the DG was impressed with our club energy and projects. She particularly interested in the Social and Emotional Learning Project and looks forward to our updates as she expects that it has potential to be expanded throughout the district. We are expected to make a presentation at the district conference.
We were appraised of the latest details on upcoming events.
* PE Jacklyn updated us on the hamper packing that was scheduled for December 14th at 6am. We were expected to pack a total of 200 hampers, 190 of which have been allocated.
* Pres. Terry reminded us of the Nightingale's Children's Home Christmas party and indicated that Honorary Rotarian Governor Kevin Greenidge has partnered with us to provide gifts to the children. She encouraged us to contribute to the personal items to be presented to the home. Contributions were to be brought to the hamper packing on December 14th.
* Ticket sales for "Best of Youth" were progressing better than anticipated. We were encouraged to promote the event to further enhance ticket sales and volunteer to assist on the night of the event.
* The annual President's party will not be held this year as there are a lot of upcoming activities. A substitute event will be held early in 2025.
* The first quarter of 2025 is expected to be busy as we begin with our Charter Anniversary and Vocational Awards. We were encouraged to begin to consider potential candidates, paying particular attention to people who are doing impactful work but will not otherwise be recognized.
*A few new projects are expected to be rolled out early in 2025.
We were approved for district funding for 3 projects.
1. To set up aquaponics systems at 2 schools
2. Agrokids
3. Butterfly haven at Andromeda Gardens
Proper details will be given in January.
The next meeting was scheduled to be an in-person meeting on December 18th at the Pub at the Estates of St George. Election of officers as well as our Christmas gift exchange are expected to occur.
Wednesday December 18th 12:30pm In-Person
This meeting was packed with activity as it was not only the Christmas fellowship but it was election day to select/confirm the 2025/26 RCBS Board.
As usual PP Michael Trotman managed the election proceedings which were quick and uncomplicated as all candidates were unopposed. The final list runs as follows:
Vice President - PP Stephen Broome
Secretary - PHF Ryan Best
Treasurer - Rtn Dion Franklyn
6 Directors:
Dir Carrie-Ann Morris-Searle
PHF Graham Belle
Dir Kemi Brewster
PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner
Dir Shem Scantlebury
PP Vivian-Ann Gittens
President Elect - Kerryann Ifill
All candidates were endorsed and duly elected.
President Terry made some remarks during which she thanked Rotarians for their service in what was a busy first half of the Rotary year. She invited us to think about the second half of the year which is expected to be equally busy and will require assistance with funding and execution.
She encouraged us to continue to invest in our relationship with the Rotary Foundation as not only does it allow Rotary to do good in the world, but it gives us the opportunity to apply for funding for our own projects. She indicated that we have added 2 more sustaining members to our total and she looks forward to that number continuing to increase.
Santa Dir Kerryann was ably assisted by Dir Carrie-Ann to make the secret Santa presentations.
All in all we had a wonderful session of fellowship over a tasty Christmas lunch while singing Christmas carols with great company; especially our special guest and new Rotary baby Ava.
Upcoming Meeting Details
Wednesday January 8th - Lunchtime zoom 12:30pm
Wednesday January 15th -Evening Zoom 6:30pm
Wednesday January 22nd -In-person Lunch 12:30pm
Wednesday January 29th - Fellowship??