Previous Meeting Details
Wednesday November 6th 6:30pm
PP Brian Chaired the meeting as President Terry was away.
It was nomination day and as usual our Nominating Officer PP Michael Trotman managed the process.
* The following individuals were nominated as
candidates to serve as Club Directors/Officers
for the 2025-2026 Rotary year.
Vice President: PP Stephen Broome
Proposed by: Dir Ryan Best
Seconded by: PP Brian Lashley
Secretary: Dir Ryan Best
Proposed by: PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner
Seconded by: Dir Glyne Husbands
Treasurer: Tres Dion Franklyn
Proposed by: Dir Shem Scantlebury
Seconded by: PP Michael Forde
President Elect: Dir Kerryann Ifill
Proposed by: PE Jacklyn Broomes
Seconded by: PP Brian Lashley
Directors (6):
Sec Carrie-Ann Morris-Searle
PHF Graham Belle
Dir Kemi Brewster
PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner
Dir Shem Scantlebury
PP Vivian-Anne Gittens
Proposed by: PE Jacklyn Broomes
Seconded by: PDG Sonya Alleyne
* All nominations were unopposed. Elections are
expected to be held on December 18th
After dinner, our Guest Speaker PP David Antrobus addressed us on the Rotary Foundation. He outlined the mission, vision, motto and history of the foundation, then proceeded to indicate more details on the types of funds and the areas of focus.
He encouraged Rotarians to at least make the minimum payments required to obtain EREY ($25) and sustaining member ($100) status. He further explained how the money paid into the foundation is used and how the district and club can benefit. He also outlined the process involved in obtaining Global Grant Funding.
The talk was engaging and insightful and brought into focus many aspects of engaging with the Rotary Foundation.
PP David Antrobus delivering his talk on the
Rotary Foundation
Dir Kemi Brewster was the greeter, PHF Denise Shephard-Johnson led us in the Rotary Grace and Dir Glyne Husbands recited the Objects of Rotary
Wednesday November 13th 12:30pm Zoom
November 13th fell in "International Diabetic Foot Week" - As a result, our guest speaker was Dr. Simone Mc Connie, a podiatrist, who specializes in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetic foot.
Dr. Mc Connie gave us an engaging presentation on all aspects of diabetes with specific emphasis on
* What causes diabetes
* Diabetes statistics across the world
* What causes diabetic foot
* The signs and symptoms of diabetic foot
* The treatment and management options
Her main objective being to improve the chances of individuals still having both legs and all 10 toes as they navigate life.
She went on to highlight the challenges patients face in obtaining a proper early diagnosis and the steps being taken to train medical professionals to identify potential problems before they are severe.
She gave us insight on Rotary projects and collaborations around the world and more specifically within the region that have sought to assist with the education of medical professionals in the early identification, treatment and or referral to professionals in the early stages of development of diabetic foot.
We were reminded of a past project where RCBS was involved in assisting with the funding of this educational exercise.
AG Paul, PP David and Denise Antrobus and President Arlene from RCB were all present as guests for this very informative and engaging session.
Dir Mechelle Lewis was the greeter and PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner recited the 4 Way Test.
Wednesday November 20th 6:30pm
* Trivia Night - Reported on separately
Wednesday November 27th 12:30pm
An in-person lunchtime meeting was scheduled to be held on this date. We started with the singing of the National Anthem and the usual toasts. We recited the rotary grace and 4 wat test together followed by a session of fellowship over lunch as only 8 Rotarians were in attendance.
Upcoming Meeting Details
Wednesday December 4th - Cancelled due to activities related to the DG visit
Wednesday December 11th - Zoom evening (business) meeting - 6:30pm
Wednesday December 18th - 12:30pm in-person lunch meeting (Club Elections) at The Pub at the Estates of St. George
Wednesday December 25th - Christmas Day