Registered Charity: No 1303
District 7030
Chartered 13 January, 1986 (Club 23315)


In 2011, in a quest to enlist the support of youth in the fundraising effort for a project that was aimed at youth development, our club conceptualized the Classical Best of Youth. The concert heralded the first time two exemplars of young excellence, the Youth Orchestra and the St. Leonard’s Boys’ Choir were to perform together on stage. 
Since that first concert the Classical Best of Youth has evolved into a partnership between Rotary Club of Barbados South and the Barbados National Youth Symphony Orchestra (BNYSO), led by its inspirational Director, Joy Knight, GCM.
Over the last decade the annual concerts and the proceeds raised from them have:
  • given the opportunity to countless talented young musicians and vocalists to showcase their musical gifts in a concert hall setting
  • enhanced the public's appreciation of classical music
  • commissioned and showcased musical arrangements from Barbadian arrangers like Roger Gittens and Dwain Gill
  • helped raise funds for our Club’s many charitable activities, and
  • provided financial support to the summer workshops of the BNYSO that are vital to the development of musicians from ages as young as 4 years old and from a diversity of family backgrounds.
Indeed, the Classical Best of Youth is now as much a project integral to the development of our youth as it is a charitable fundraiser.
Previous Meeting Details
Wednesday November 6th 6:30pm
PP Brian Chaired the meeting as President Terry was away. 
It was nomination day and as usual our Nominating Officer PP Michael Trotman managed the process.
   * The following individuals were nominated as
     candidates to serve as Club Directors/Officers
     for the 2025-2026 Rotary year.
    Vice President: PP Stephen Broome
         Proposed by: Dir Ryan Best
         Seconded by: PP Brian Lashley
    Secretary: Dir Ryan Best
         Proposed by: PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner
        Seconded by: Dir Glyne Husbands
    Treasurer: Tres Dion Franklyn
        Proposed by: Dir Shem Scantlebury
        Seconded by: PP Michael Forde
    President Elect: Dir Kerryann Ifill
         Proposed by: PE Jacklyn Broomes
        Seconded by: PP Brian Lashley
   Directors (6):
        Sec Carrie-Ann Morris-Searle
        PHF Graham Belle
        Dir Kemi Brewster
        PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner
        Dir Shem Scantlebury
        PP Vivian-Anne Gittens
        Proposed by: PE Jacklyn Broomes
        Seconded by: PDG Sonya Alleyne
    * All nominations were unopposed. Elections are
       expected to be held on December 18th
After dinner, our Guest Speaker PP David Antrobus addressed us on the Rotary Foundation.  He outlined the mission, vision, motto and history of the foundation, then proceeded to indicate more details on the types of funds and the areas of focus.
He encouraged Rotarians to at least make the minimum payments required to obtain EREY ($25) and sustaining member ($100) status.  He further explained how the money paid into the foundation is used and how the district and club can benefit.  He also outlined the process involved in obtaining Global Grant Funding.
The talk was engaging and insightful and brought into focus many aspects of engaging with the Rotary Foundation.
 PP David Antrobus delivering his talk on Rotary Foundation
PP David Antrobus delivering his talk on the
Rotary Foundation
Dir Kemi Brewster was the greeter, PHF Denise Shephard-Johnson led us in the Rotary Grace and Dir Glyne Husbands recited the Objects of Rotary
Wednesday November 13th 12:30pm Zoom
November 13th fell in "International Diabetic Foot Week" - As a result, our guest speaker was Dr. Simone Mc Connie, a podiatrist, who specializes in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetic foot.
Dr. Mc Connie gave us an engaging presentation on all aspects of diabetes with specific emphasis on
   * What causes diabetes
   * Diabetes statistics across the world
   * What causes diabetic foot
   * The signs and symptoms of diabetic foot
   * The treatment and management options
Her main objective being to improve the chances of individuals still having both legs and all 10 toes as they navigate life.
She went on to highlight the challenges patients face in obtaining a proper early diagnosis and the steps being taken to train medical professionals to identify potential problems before they are severe.
She gave us insight on Rotary projects and collaborations around the world and more specifically within the region that have sought to assist with the education of medical professionals in the early identification, treatment and or referral to professionals in the early stages of development of diabetic foot.
We were reminded of a past project where RCBS was involved in assisting with the funding of this educational exercise.
AG Paul, PP David and Denise Antrobus and President Arlene from RCB were all present as guests for this very informative and engaging session.
Dir Mechelle Lewis was the greeter and PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner recited the 4 Way Test.
Wednesday November 20th 6:30pm 
   * Trivia Night - Reported on separately
Wednesday November 27th 12:30pm
An in-person lunchtime meeting was scheduled to be held on this date.  We started with the singing of the National Anthem and the usual toasts.  We recited the rotary grace and 4 wat test together followed by a session of fellowship over lunch as only 8 Rotarians were in attendance.
Upcoming Meeting Details
Wednesday December 4th - Cancelled due to activities related to the DG visit
Wednesday December 11th  - Zoom evening (business) meeting - 6:30pm
Wednesday December 18th - 12:30pm in-person lunch meeting  (Club Elections) at The Pub at the Estates of St. George
Wednesday December 25th - Christmas Day
Merry Christmas
Upcoming Events
December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month
District Governor's Visit
December 5th - 8th
District Governor's  cocktail Reception 
Friday December 6th @ the 3Ws Oval 6.30pm 
Project demonstration to DG Saturday December 7th -
Social and Emotional Learning Peace Initiative (workshop 1) - 9am-11am 
Hamper packing
December 14th at Guardian General, Collymore Rock at 6am
Flier indicating that hamper packing is on December 14th at 6am.  Rotarians are being encouraged to make financial contributions
Nightingale Christmas Party
December 15th
RCBS Election of Officers
December 18th
Merry Christmas balls
Best of youth XI
December 22nd
best of youth flier
Meals on Wheels
Red Cross Building Warrens
Thursday December 19th
at 8:30 AM 
Bridgetown Feeding
Independence Square Bridgetown
Monday December 30th
at 5:30 PM
Image of PP Peter with hampers and other Rotarians in the background.  Picture was taken at hamper packing 2019 just before covid forced us to adjust.
No photo description available.
merry christmas
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."


– Mahatma Ghandi

Club Directors & Officers    
President: Terry Hall
Vice President: PP Trevor Sealy
Immediate Past President: Marcel Murrell
President Elect: Jacklyn Broomes
Secretary: Carrie-Ann Morris-Searle
Treasurer: Dion Franklin
Director Service Projects: Shem Scantlebury
Director Club Administration: Glyne Husbands
Director Rotary Foundation: PHF Ryan Best
Director Public Image: Mechelle Lewis
Director of Membership: Kerry-Ann Ifill
Director of Youth: Kemi Brewster
Sergeant-at-Arms: PP Brian Lashley
Rotary International Officers
President - Stephanie A. Urchick
President Elect - Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo
General Secretary/CEO - John Hewko
District Officers
District Governor - Debbie Roopchand (Trinidad and Tobago)
District Governor Elect - Soraya Warner-Gustave (St. Lucia)
Assistant Governor - Paul Ashby (Barbados)
Let's Celebrate
Belated Birthdays
3rd November - Damian Branford
5th November - Ayodele Burrowes (PIS Irvine Burrowes)
8th November - Claire Haynes (PIS Cleviston Haynes)
10th November - PP Michael Forde
13th November - Nigel Adams
15th November - Susanna Corbin
16th November - Lana Adams (PIS Nigel Adams)
19th November - PP Vivian-Anne Gittens
19th November - Kimberely Ramsay (PIS Courtney Ramsay)
29th November - Glyne Husbands
4th December - Michael Searle (PIS Carrie-Ann Morris-Searle)
8th December - PP Trevor Sealy
9th December - PP Randolph Straughn
18th December - Cleviston Haynes
20th December - Kerryann Ifill
20th December - Courtney Ramsay
5th December - Nigel Adams and PIS Lana Adams
15th December - Kay Williams and PIS Ronald Williams
23rd December - PP Katrina Sam and PIS Trevor Prescod

 Spotlight News 

Rotary Club of Barbados South

Trivia Night!!
On Wednesday November 20th the membership committee hosted a Trivia night at the National Disabilities Complex, Lower Collymore Rock.  It was an evening of fun and fellowship.  All in attendance had a wonderful time.  Special thanks to the organizers and all Rotarians, Rotaractors and guests who attended.
Bridgetown Feeding
Another successful Bridgetown feeding was held in Independence Square on November 25th 2024.  Special thanks to President Terry, PP Marcel and Director Glyne who provided the meals on behalf of RCBS.  This month we were able to provide 110 meals and had the privilege of having 13 people (4 of which were from RCBW) show up to assist with setup and distribution.  We appreciate you all!  Thanks for your support of and assistance with such a vitally important project.  None of this will be possible without you.
Barbados Red Cross Society building Image of President Terry with Ave (Pinky) from the red cross President Terry loading meals into her car
Meals on Wheels
On the third Thursday of each month, we partner with the Barbados Red Cross Society to deliver meals to the families they serve.  RCBS provides the transportation to assist with these deliveries.  This month it was the turn of President Terry.  She was joined by retiree Ave (Pinky) who still cooks for the program.  Together they delivered meals to 16 families.  Well done President Terry and Pinky.
Foundation Corner:
Rotary foundation logo

The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.

Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.

With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world.

Our mission

The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.

What impact can one donation have?

  • For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
  • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
  • $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.
Rotary International
for more information visit:
Rotary Projects Around the Globe
Please follow the link below to find out what is going on in Rotary Clubs around the globe in the November installment by Brad Webber where he features clubs in Guatemala, Canada, Bulgaria, Kenya and Ethiopia.
Links to similar publications for August, September and October can be found at the bottom of the November issue.
Rotary District 7030
image of full group of RYLA participants in Trinidad 2024
Image of RYLA Participants from around the district at Cascadia Hotel in Trinidad
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) was held in Trinidad at Cascadia Hotel from November 8-11 2024.  RYLA is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and Districts.  It is designed to help young people ages 14-30 to develop their leadership skills while having fun and making connections.  Participants engage in a variety of activities that usually involve presentations, workshops and team building exercises aimed at fostering leadership, communication and problem solving.
Please use the following link to view the September/October District newsletter
Register now for the Rotary District 7030 Conference, taking place from April 24th to 26th at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad:
Elevate your Rotary experience, network with leaders, and be part of transformative sessions that will empower your journey. Watch our District 7030 Conference video: and discover the vibrant Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Secure your spot today and be part of something extraordinary! For special Conference rates at Hyatt Regency Trinidad, check this link:
Rotaract Club of South Barbados 
The Professional development committee of the RCSB hosted a
successful Rotaract Spiked on November 2nd. Rotaractor Melanie
Trotman conducted an engaging session on Cyber Security. This
session was coupled on a cocktail making affair. It was a wonderful
evening of fellowship at Wine World Warrens.
Please click the images below to find out more about our club members 
Past Presidents
Paul Harris Fellow
Honorary Rotarians
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in particular, to encourage and foster:
First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
Second: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
Third: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and Community life.
Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service
RCBS Banking Information
Club Account: CIBC Rendezvous  09616-1625923
Charitable Trust Inc. Account: CIBC Bridgetown  09606– 1001168072
Mailing Address: Club Secretary, G.P.O Box #995, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies.
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Please visit our website
          Contact the bulletin editor (PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner) at:
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
 Rotary Club of Barbados South Charter Banner