Registered Charity: No 1303
District 7030
Chartered 13 January, 1986 (Club 23315)

3 presidents walking together at the walk to end polioWorld Polio Day 2024rotarians at walk to end polio

On October 24th Rotarians across the globe celebrated World Polio Day.  Here in Barbados, Rotarians joined in fellowship over lunch as members of the Rotary Club of Barbados South, the Rotary Club of Barbados West and Rotaractors joined the lunchtime meeting of the Rotary Club of Barbados.
We were treated to video messages from Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick, a polio survivor, a medical doctor and a researcher.  Our PE Jacklyn Broomes gave a summary of the history of polio and PE Andre Wharton from RCBW gave us an overview of the current world situation with polio.  PP Hiranand Thani was then called upon to speak about his experience in 2020 when he joined a missionary team in India for Immunization Day.  A collection was done in lieu of fines, to contribute to the polio plus fund.  It yielded over $700.  It was a lovely afternoon of fellowship over lunch.
In addition, all three rotary clubs joined with the rotaract and interact clubs for our annual walk to end polio on Sunday October 27th.  This annual event is intended to raise awareness of Rotary's ongoing fight against polio. It was held at the Garrison Savannah where we walked and in some cases ran 3 laps on the paved track all decked off in our red "End Polio Now" t-shirts.        
Previous Meeting Details
Wednesday October 2nd 6:30pm
   * Dining in the Dark- See Spotlight News Below
Wednesday October 9th 12:30pm Zoom
   * This meeting served to update the club on the
      upcoming events for the October to December
      quarter.  The highlighted events were as follows:
     - October 11th kick-off of Social and Emotional
       Learning project at the Lodge School
     - October 16th distribution of tablets to Agrokids
       schools on World food Day
     - October 24th World Polio Day Joint club meeting
     - Other World Polio Day events to be announced
     - October 26th Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
     - October 30th club forum
     - November 6th nominations
     - Guest speaker on Foundation Month
     - Guest speaker on promising project
     - November 20th trivia night
     - December 4th club elections
     - December 5-8th District Governor's visit
     - December 14th hamper packing
     - December 15th Christmas party for Nightingale 
     - December 22nd Classical Best of Youth Concert
Director Carrie-Ann Morris Searle was the greeter,
Rotarian Josephine Robinson led us in the Rotary grace
We all recited the 4 way test together
Wednesday October 16th 6:30pm via Zoom
   * This meeting served to refresh the club on the
      details of the Social and Emotional Learning project
      which was initiated under PP Brian in 2022/23
      Rotary year but was not executed.  The project will
      now be executed in full as a result of funding from
      the Massy Foundation.
   * President Terry oversaw the usual formalities then
      our guests; Mr. Toney Olton and Ms. Sharon Howell
      of Caribbean Institute for Social and Emotional
      Learning (CISEL) outlined the process and timelines
      that will be involved in the execution of the project
      at The Lodge School in an attempt to impart
      emotional literacy to the first form students, their          parents and the staff of that institution. Phase 1
      was initiated on October 23rd.
PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner was the greeter, Rotarian Paul Saunders recited the 4 Way Test and Rotarian Suzanna Corbin led us in the Rotary Grace.
Wednesday October 23rd 12:30pm In-Person
   * This meeting was replaced by a joint meeting of the
      3 Rotary clubs on October 24th to commemorate
      World Polio Day
Wednesday October 30th Club Forum  
   * Our first club forum for the 24/25 rotary year was 
      held at the BDF
   * We started by recognizing the elevation of PP
      Michael Forde to PHF+2 - Congratulations PP Mike!
   * PHF Ryan indicated that we currently have 19 Paul
      Harris Fellows, 7 EREY members and 6 Sustaining 
   * President Terry and the club Directors provided a
      recap of the club activities that have occurred so far
   * Rotarian Dion gave an update on our finances and
      a breakdown of how funds are allocated.  He was
      happy to report on our newly acquired "real time"
      access to our accounts 
   * We had a look at our service projects as President
      Terry updated us on the status of each.
   * Participation in club activities, attendance and the
      financial commitment of members attracted the
      most discussion.  A number of suggestions were
      proposed to handle member engagement.  The
      board is expected to follow up on these matters.
Image of PP Michael Forde after being pinned PHF+2
Upcoming Meeting Details
Wednesday November 6th, 6:30pm In-Person
(Nomination Day)
Wednesday November 13th, 12:30pm Zoom
Wednesday November 20th, 6:30pm Zoom/ Trivia night at Hotel Pommarine 
Wednesday November 27th, 12:30pm In-Person
Upcoming Events
November is Rotary Foundation Month
Fellowship Events
Trivia Night - November 20th
Meals on Wheels
Red Cross Building Warrens
Thursday November 21st
at 8:30 AM 
Bridgetown Feeding
Independence Square Bridgetown
Monday November 25th
at 5:30 PM
Flier indicating that hamper packing is on December 14th at 6am.  Rotarians are being encouraged to make financial contributions
We take a minute to look back at a bit of club history......
"A dream come through; one of many" - Rotary International's "End Polio Now" event in New Delhi, India.
PP Hiro giving polio immunization drops to a newborn
"I was emotional; happy to have been able to hold a newly born child and give those two precious drops of the Polio Vaccine to that child and give him a chance at a better, beautiful life ahead."
"That was the year India became Polio free."
                     PP Hiranand Thani
PP Hiro administering polio immunization drops to a toddler
PP Hiro administering polio immunization drops to a child in India on Immunization Day.
He was one of the volunteers who participated in the immunization effort in India in 2020 which commemorated the eradication of polio in India.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."


– Mahatma Ghandi

Club Directors & Officers    
President: Terry Hall
Vice President: PP Trevor Sealy
Immediate Past President: Marcel Murrell
President Elect: Jacklyn Broomes
Secretary: Carrie-Ann Morris-Searle
Treasurer: Dion Franklin
Director Service Projects: Shem Scantlebury
Director Club Administration: Glyne Husbands
Director Rotary Foundation: PHF Ryan Best
Director Public Image: Mechelle Lewis
Director of Membership: Kerry-Ann Ifill
Director of Youth: Kemi Brewster
Sergeant-at-Arms: PP Brian Lashley
Rotary International Officers
President - Stephanie A. Urchick
President Elect - Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo
General Secretary/CEO - John Hewko
District Officers
District Governor - Debbie Roopchand (Trinidad and Tobago)
District Governor Elect - Soraya Warner-Gustave (St. Lucia)
Assistant Governor - Paul Ashby (Barbados)
Let's Celebrate
Belated Birthdays
4th October - Linette Mapp (PIS Malcolm Mapp)
5th October - IPP Marcel Murrell
6th October - PP Brian Lashley
11th October - PE Jacklyn Broomes
25th October - Keith King
29th October - Ann-Marie Elcock-Connolly (PIS PP George Connolly)
3rd November - Damian Branford
5th November - Ayodele Burrowes (PIS Irvine Burrowes)
8th November - Claire Haynes (PIS Cleviston Haynes)
10th November - PP Michael Forde
13th November - Nigel Adams
15th November - Susanna Corbin
16th November - Lana Adams (PIS Nigel Adams)
19th November - PP Vivian-Anne Gittens
19th November - Kimberely Ramsay (PIS Courtney Ramsay)
29th November - Glyne Husbands
4th November - PP Hiranand and Nisha Thani
7th November - PP Peter and Andrea Thompson
11th November - PP George and Ann-Marie Elcock-Connolly

 Spotlight News 

Rotary Club of Barbados South

Dining In The Dark!!
On Wednesday October 2nd, The Rotary Club of Barbados South hosted a very special fellowship event. This event was intended to be a dry run to test the logistics of hosting such an event as a fundraiser, while bringing awareness to the challenges faced by the visually impaired. Guests were blindfolded upon entry and experienced the dinner event with guidance from the hosts.
Our Dining in the Dark experience proved to be most memorable and impactful. Anxiety, nervousness and trepidation quickly turned to relaxation, loud chatter and good camaraderie! It was interesting to hear the personal experiences shared after the blindfolds were removed. It was a night well spent. One of enlightenment, awareness and Rotary fellowship! Thanks to those who were able to show their support by attending. For those who weren’t able to attend, and those who sent their encouragement, you were missed and we thank you!  Special thanks to the event coordinators; President Terry, Director Kerryann, Director Kemi, Director Shem, Director Glyne, Rotaractor Jelani, Rotaractor Sydelle and Rotaractor Darren.
A repeat of this event as a fundraiser is scheduled to be held in the third quarter of the current Rotary year.
World Food Day 2024 - Owen Arthur Agrokids Project
Our Owen Arthur AgroKids project was launched on World Food Day, October 16th 2020.  There are currently 7 primary schools and 1 secondary school involved in the project which is meant to expose young children to backyard farming as a means of obtaining safe and healthy food.
On World Food Day 2024 we reaffirmed our commitment to the 7 primary schools in our charge by presenting tablets to them for use as teaching aids by the staff in the Science/Agriculture Departments that administer the project.  The 20 tablets that we distributed were donated to us by MassyCard Barbados Limited.
At a subsequent date, we will provide a variety of tools to each of these schools with the kind compliments of M. E. Murrell and Company and our very own IPP Marcel Murrell.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
This year we reactivated a fellowship event that had been well liked in the past.  Many thanks to PP Michael Forde and his wonderful partner in service Evelyn for their fabulous hospitality and to Director Glyne for coordinating everything so well.  A good time was had by all.

Here is to another successful "Guess who's coming to dinner" - long may the tradition remain a part of our yearly fellowship events.  For those who did not attend, we will see you next time. You will not be disappointed.
Bridgetown Feeding
Another successful Bridgetown feeding was held in Independence Square on October 28th 2024.  Special thanks to PP Marcel and PP Stephen who joined with me to provide the meals on behalf of RCBS. Thanks also to PP Prakash Mahtani, Rotarian Josephine Robinson who consistently show up to assist and PP Randolph who not only came to assist but brought his PIS, daughter, grandson and friend.  We absolutely appreciate the support and assistance.  None of this would be possible without you.
Foundation Corner:
Rotary foundation logo
2023-2024 Number of Global grants by area of focus
Rotary International
for more information visit:
Rotary Projects Around the Globe
Please follow the link below to find out what is going on in Rotary Clubs around the globe in the October installment by Brad Webber where he features clubs in Colombia, The United States of America, France, South Africa and Japan.
Links to similar publications for June, August and September can be found at the bottom of the October issue.
Rotary District 7030
Register now for the Rotary District 7030 Conference, taking place from April 24th to 26th at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad:
Elevate your Rotary experience, network with leaders, and be part of transformative sessions that will empower your journey. Watch our District 7030 Conference video: and discover the vibrant Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Secure your spot today and be part of something extraordinary! For special Conference rates at Hyatt Regency Trinidad, check this link:
Rotaract Club of South Barbados 
Upcoming Event:
Please click the images below to find out more about our club members 
Past Presidents
Paul Harris Fellow
Honorary Rotarians
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in particular, to encourage and foster:
First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
Second: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
Third: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and Community life.
Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service
RCBS Banking Information
Club Account: CIBC Rendezvous  09616-1625923
Charitable Trust Inc. Account: CIBC Bridgetown  09606– 1001168072
Mailing Address: Club Secretary, G.P.O Box #995, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies.
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          Contact the bulletin editor (PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner) at:
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
 Rotary Club of Barbados South Charter Banner