Previous Meeting Details
Wednesday October 2nd 6:30pm
* Dining in the Dark- See Spotlight News Below
Wednesday October 9th 12:30pm Zoom
* This meeting served to update the club on the
upcoming events for the October to December
quarter. The highlighted events were as follows:
- October 11th kick-off of Social and Emotional
Learning project at the Lodge School
- October 16th distribution of tablets to Agrokids
schools on World food Day
- October 24th World Polio Day Joint club meeting
- Other World Polio Day events to be announced
- October 26th Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
- October 30th club forum
- November 6th nominations
- Guest speaker on Foundation Month
- Guest speaker on promising project
- November 20th trivia night
- December 4th club elections
- December 5-8th District Governor's visit
- December 14th hamper packing
- December 15th Christmas party for Nightingale
- December 22nd Classical Best of Youth Concert
Director Carrie-Ann Morris Searle was the greeter,
Rotarian Josephine Robinson led us in the Rotary grace
We all recited the 4 way test together
Wednesday October 16th 6:30pm via Zoom
* This meeting served to refresh the club on the
details of the Social and Emotional Learning project
which was initiated under PP Brian in 2022/23
Rotary year but was not executed. The project will
now be executed in full as a result of funding from
the Massy Foundation.
* President Terry oversaw the usual formalities then
our guests; Mr. Toney Olton and Ms. Sharon Howell
of Caribbean Institute for Social and Emotional
Learning (CISEL) outlined the process and timelines
that will be involved in the execution of the project
at The Lodge School in an attempt to impart
emotional literacy to the first form students, their parents and the staff of that institution. Phase 1
was initiated on October 23rd.
PHF Morexa Martin-Gardiner was the greeter, Rotarian Paul Saunders recited the 4 Way Test and Rotarian Suzanna Corbin led us in the Rotary Grace.
Wednesday October 23rd 12:30pm In-Person
* This meeting was replaced by a joint meeting of the
3 Rotary clubs on October 24th to commemorate
World Polio Day
Wednesday October 30th Club Forum
* Our first club forum for the 24/25 rotary year was
held at the BDF
* We started by recognizing the elevation of PP
Michael Forde to PHF+2 - Congratulations PP Mike!
* PHF Ryan indicated that we currently have 19 Paul
Harris Fellows, 7 EREY members and 6 Sustaining
* President Terry and the club Directors provided a
recap of the club activities that have occurred so far
* Rotarian Dion gave an update on our finances and
a breakdown of how funds are allocated. He was
happy to report on our newly acquired "real time"
access to our accounts
* We had a look at our service projects as President
Terry updated us on the status of each.
* Participation in club activities, attendance and the
financial commitment of members attracted the
most discussion. A number of suggestions were
proposed to handle member engagement. The
board is expected to follow up on these matters.